Thomas Albrow-Owen
Leverhulme Fellow @ Cambridge University
Tom is a Leverhulme Early Career Fellow, funded by the Leverhulme and Isaac Newton Trusts at the Department of Engineering at the University of Cambridge. His research focuses on the modelling and development of nano- and metamaterial systems for spectral sensing and imaging applications, as well as studying quantum and optoelectronic phenomena in semiconductor nanowire devices. During his PhD, he co-invented the world's smallest spectrometer device platform, formed from individual, compositionally engineered nanowires, and was shortlisted in the final 5 candidates for the 2020 Scopus Early Career Researcher of the Year for the Physical Sciences. He is also CTO of ProSpectral, a start-up developing next-generation spectral imaging devices for industrial applications. He holds a PhD from the University of Cambridge, and a Masters in Physics from Durham University.