Stephan Hofmann

Professor @ Cambridge University

Prof Hofmann’s research explores novel materials, metrology and device architectures. A particular focus thereby lies on nanomaterials, such as graphene, carbon nanotubes and semiconductor nanowires, and the use of in-situ metrology to probe the fundamental mechanisms that govern their growth and functionality.

The nanometer dimensions can lead to extraordinary properties and being able to control and exploit those can have a transformative impact across a wide range of applications, such as information/communication technologies, energy generation, conversion and storage, and environmental and bio-technology. The vision of Prof Hofmann’s research is to unlock this huge technological potential through an unprecedented understanding of material design and functionality on the smallest of size scales.

Prof Hofmann is leading a number of large research projects, funded eg by the ERC and EPSRC, with close industrial links and embedded in a large network of international…